Current Sponsorship Opportunities
St Margaret’s has a wide range of new sponsorship opportunities which will help raise the profile of your brand whilst demonstrating your commitment to your local community.
From sponsorship of a hospice event to providing equipment or products, you help us cover our event costs entirely or reduce our expenditure, allowing us to continue to provide care and support to our patients and families free of charge across Somerset.
It’s an effective and visible way of achieving your corporate social responsibility objectives and provides great opportunities for PR and the promotion of your organisation.
In return St Margaret’s can offer the following to your organisation:
- Extension of your market reach by gaining access to a new audience
- Marketing, PR and promotional opportunities
- A listing on our Corporate Partners page
- The potential to enhance employee wellbeing by the support of a local charity
- Employee involvement (voluntary) in the event as a volunteer or participant
Please find our current sponsorship opportunities below, for more information please contact us on 01823 365615 or send us an email.
Click here to find current sponsorsip opportunities