St Margaret’s has a small Social Work team which is a partnership between St Margaret’s Hospice Care and Somerset County Council. The Social Work team works with the community team and on the In-patient Unit.
The team will help a person to identify their priorities and the things that are important to them. They then support the person to achieve those goals if possible, by looking at what practical or emotional assistance is needed for them, their family and carers. This might include support with financial, housing or other social issues, helping the person make plans for their future or arranging support for their care needs.
The Social Work team also provides advice, guidance and training to the wider hospice team, as well as other health and social care professionals, so that if the person does not require social work support directly they can still benefit from the service. Referrals to the Social Work service would usually come from another member of the St Margaret’s Multi-Disciplinary Team.