Carer Support

Support for carers is woven through our values at St Margaret’s. We strive to be patient centred, compassionate and respectful to individual needs and deliver high quality responsive care.

We are not just here to support the person who is ill, we are here for you, now and through bereavement.

Caring frequently brings challenges, rewards and a whole range of emotions that you may not feel ready for.

When you care for someone with a life-limiting illness, it’s perfectly natural to focus on their needs and forget about your own. A balance between the two will help to support your own wellbeing and resilience.

Below are just a few things that carers have expressed to us:

“We live day to day, it’s hard to plan ahead”

“I feel guilty thinking about myself but I need for a break”

“I miss our conversations and our life as it was”

“I want to know what to expect so I can plan”

“Who should I contact for help out of hours”

If this sounds like you, get in touch, we are here to help.

To discuss support for yourself, please get in touch: Call 01823 333822 or 01935 709480, option 1, or email


If you have experienced our patient services and would like to write a review, please click the 'Leave Feedback' button below:

i want great care leave feedback button

Coronavirus services update: For the most up-to-date information on our services regarding coronavirus click here.


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Registered Office: Heron Drive, Taunton, TA1 5HA

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